Great Books!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 » Dean Shock: ObamaCare Is Trillion Dollar, No Reform, Harmful Bailout But… » Dean Shock: ObamaCare Is Trillion Dollar, No Reform, Harmful Bailout But…

Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents -

Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents -

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Monday, November 23, 2009

BREAKING: San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal

BREAKING: San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal

Read this article! ACORN dumping "records" before an investigation. Classic. Your tax dollars have been funneled to these crooks for years! AND these crooks helped get our community organizer elected.......nice.

SNL mocks Obama's reckless spending

Great Saturday Night Live clip making fun of everything Obama has done and is doing.  You know this administration is a mess when the liberal SNL thinks your policies are destroying America!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The $100 Million Health Care Vote? - The Note

The $100 Million Health Care Vote? - The Note

Wow. This is a blatant bribe. I am sure the Senate ethics committe will put a stop to this..... oh wait, the committe are the same criminals that put it in the bill. Hope you are ready for socialism, it is not going to be pretty.
Democrat Mary Landrieu has been bought by Reid for $100 million, and she and many of her esteemed fellow seantors have sold the American people out. Read the article.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sen. Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee (Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on November 19th, 2009)

This is unbelievable and unconstitutional, the government will attempt to use our money for abortions (under the guise of healthcare reform, ironic isn't it).  This nightmare of a government just gets scarier and scarier.  What other powers will the progressives usurp to promote their agenda of a socialist america, that forces its people to participate (thru forced funding) of murder of babies.  Truly sickening if this passes.  Contact your Senator before it is to late.

The real cause of the financial crash

"A well-known banking analyst says greed didn't cause the problem. Our reliance on China did."
I guess NOW they will start listening to Ron Paul and Peter Schiff...,1391259

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is Socialism a good idea?

A long time compassionate friend recently told me they were a socialist. They seemed quite proud of this title. I think my response was “ugggh that’s too bad” and the subject was quickly changed. I wasn’t surprised this friend now claims to be a socialist, they have for years preached progressive talking points. The next day I thought about the declaration of socialism of my friend, and wish I had taken the time to ask “why, I am mean really why?”. When has socialism worked? I understand the fairytale dream of socialism, everyone gets everything they need, everyone is equal, there is no “evil” business profiting, everyone shares in a utopian society. Really, it sounds great. But again, when has it worked? Are the people in socialist countries treated equally? Yes and no, there is a working class that is treated like slaves by the ruling class (which is usually government officials and criminals). There is no hope of changing your lot in life because the government does not reward innovation or hard work, in fact you are punished for trying to improve yourself or solve a problem.
Capitalism in the United States is flawed, but still is the best alternative. There is an incentive to create new products and technologies (yes for profit), but these inventions lead to breakthroughs in medicine, transportation, communication, food production, clean water production, energy, etc. What did the former Soviet Union develop that bettered the life of their people or the world? I can’t think of anything. What about any of the current socialist countries? Again, nothing. Furthermore, because of the wealth capitalist societies have created for themselves, they are able to give money and resources to socialist countries who can’t afford to feed, clothe or shelter their people. What would happen to all the third world countries ravaged by civil war, famine, disease and natural disaster? Would Cuba send resources to those countries? No, because socialist Cuba does not have any resources to give. No socialist country has ever had the wealth to “do good” on a scale remotely close to that of the United States. The little wealth that is created in socialist countries is stolen by corrupt government officials.

So great, be a socialist, turn the country socialistic and 90% of the people will be treated equally bad, and 10% of the new “ruling” class will live off the meager wealth created by a people who have lost all ambition, hope and desire. I just hope my friend is one of the 10% when her dream comes true.

If you haven't read it yet, check out the new book from Steve Forbes How Capitalism Will Save Us: Why Free People and Free Markets Are the Best Answer in Today's Economy hopefully it was convince you, or maybe a delusional friend that capitalism really is good.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you surprised? Government "admits" to wasting billions of tax payer dollars.

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News

This administration is the most incompetent group of losers we have had since Carter, or they are intentionally trying to hide the waste and corruption of this joke they call the Stimulus plan. Either way, the United States is in trouble with them at the helm.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pelosi cackles as the Republic faces ruin with her Healthcare bill

And so it begins. 1st step to government takeover of healthcare.

Do you trust Pelosi, or any of our crooked politicians?

Contact your Senators, only the Senate can stop this now.
Follow this link to email your Senator:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Be Prepared for the Worst, opinion piece excerpt from Ron Paul (Forbes 11.16.09)

"A false recovery is under way.  I am reminded of the outlook in 1930, when the experts were certain that the worst of the Depression was over and that recovery was just around the corner.  The economy and stock market seemed to be recovering, and there was optimism that the recession, like many of those before it, would be over in a year or less. Instead, the interventionist policies of Hoover and Roosevelt caused the Depression to worsen, and the Dow Jones industrial average did not recover to 1929 levels until 1954.  I fear our stimulus and bailout programs have already done too much to prevent the economy from recovering in a natural manner and will result in yet another asset bubble."
Four years ago, I thought Ron Paul was crazy. However, everyday as our National debt increases, the Fed usurps more power, and our corrupt politicians deliberately desecrate the U.S. Constitution, and more "entitlement" programs are forced upon us, it is clear that our nation is on a path to ruin.

Learn more about what is going on, and how you can protect yourself and your family. Here are two great books from 2 of the smartest guys in America, Ron Paul and Peter Schiff:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Here it comes. Jail time if you do not toe the fascist progressive line.

PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail

Nice. Welcome to Nazi Germany.

Child molesters and rapists usually serve less then 3 years, but we are going to put people in jail for not buying health insurance?  Does anyone see something wrong with this?  How much government control of your life do you want.  Soon they will be telling you when to go to bed, what not to eat, what not to drink ... and if you disagree - off to the gulags with you!

Jobless rate tops 10 pct. for first time since '83

The American people were told by the Obama administration that we had to have the $800 billion stimulus bill, OR GASP!!!! unemployement would reach 8%!!! Now it is at 10% (and heading farther up) and we are saddled with a wasteful spending program that our kids will be paying for until they die. This administration is either trying to destroy the country or they are the most worthless bunch of crooks we have ever seen!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fed keeps key interest rate at record low

This is simply drawing out the upcoming meltdown of our economy.  This current policy will continue to weaken the dollar, and lead us to hyper inflation (which the government wants so they can pay for their massive entitlement programs).  Pure insanity.  Raising rates will hurt, but keeping rates low will just prolong the pain.

ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama

ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama

Yes, there are zombies, and they live among us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday Morning Libertarian: Gold surges to new record high

Monday Morning Libertarian: Gold surges to new record high

Monday Morning Libertarian: 'V' aims at Obamamania

Monday Morning Libertarian: 'V' aims at Obamamania

'V' aims at Obamamania,0,7062976.story

This just makes me laugh - oddly the comparison between our government and this show is not that far off. If you don't know what "V" is, watch tonight.  If you can't wait, it is about Aliens landing on Earth, telling the inhabitants they are there to help solve their problems.  Unfortunately the Aliens (known as the Visitors or V) are really monsters who secretly eat the humans.  It is a remake of the 80's tv series which was great.  I am looking forward to it tonight!  It is a good reminder, thise who promise you something to good to be true, always have ulterior motives!

Gold surges to new record high

Gold surges to new record high
Just a guess, but this probably has something to do with the government destroying the dollar, foreign governments expectation the dollar will weaken even more, and the fact that current U.S. monetary policy will leads us into "banana republic" inflation!

Monday, November 2, 2009

GOP victory Tuesday won't erase party's problems

GOP victory Tuesday won't erase party's problems

The Challenge of Democracy (6th edition), by Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey Berry, and Jerry Goldman

Liberals favor government action to promote equality, whereas conservatives favor government action to promote order.
Libertarians favor freedom and oppose government action to promote either equality or order.

Quote from Harry Browne

Libertarian author and politician Harry Browne wrote: "We should never define Libertarian positions in terms coined by liberals or conservatives – nor as some variant of their positions. We are not fiscally conservative and socially liberal. We are Libertarians, who believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility on all issues at all times. You can depend on us to treat government as the problem, not the solution."

Definition of Libertarianism

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states "libertarianism holds that agents initially fully own themselves and have moral powers to acquire property rights in external things under certain conditions." It notes that libertarianism is not a “right-wing” doctrine because of its opposition to laws restricting adult consensual sexual relationships and drug use, and its opposition to imposing religious views or practices and compulsory military service. However, it notes that there is a version known as “left-libertarianism” which also endorses full self-ownership, but "differs on unappropriated natural resources (land, air, water, etc.)." "Right-libertarianism" holds that such resources may be appropriated by individuals. "Left-libertarianism" holds that they belong to everyone and must be distributed in some egalitarian manner.